JUPAS applicants

Minimum entrance requirement for GLEF applicants with HKDSE results (for 25-26 intake):

Chinese languageLevel 4
English languageLevel 5
MathematicsLevel 4
Citizenship and Social DevelopmentAttained
1st electiveLevel 3
2nd elective/ M1/ M2Level 3

Candidates' performance in extra 2 elective (6th & 7th) subjects will be considered in the selection process, and bonus point will be awarded to up to the 7th subject (subject to the University’s approval).

Weighting: all are equal (i.e. 1)

Selection principle: Best 5 (English language must be included)

Overall intake quota: around 23 (including JUPAS and non-JUPAS local)

HKDSE repeaters: no penalty

Flexible admission: no

Applied Learning (ApL) courses: do not accept

JUPAS code: JS4254

Only shortlisted candidates will be invited to attend an interview. If you are shortlisted, you will be notified of the arrangement for interview by phone (+852 3943xxxx), or email (xxxx@cuhk.edu.hk).