"The summer program at Herford College of the University of Oxford was one of the most edifying learning experiences I have ever had. With inspiring world class lecturers and three weeks of condensed courses, it ensured that we could receive prestigious training in language techniques whilst experiencing the grace of British culture.
Through the tours and lessons guided by our tutors who were highly versed in British culture, we studied in depth the development of the Great Britain in different eras and learned the inner significance of British architectures, arts and literatures. Not only were the skills and knowledge acquired of paramount importance in widening our future prospects, the program’s emphasis on independent thinking led us to advance our self-learning ability.
Immersed within the most renowned tutorial system in Oxford, we learned that education should be an interactive process. Our lecturers aroused our interest to examine knowledge carefully by withstanding different opinions and probing matters from different angles. The chance to exchange ideas with local students was also a valuable experience that supplemented our study and made us more adaptable to different cultures.
I would like to express my utmost gratitude to the donor of scholarship and our tutors who wholeheartedly devoted themselves in organizing the program."