“It was a great opportunity to work with Pacific Pension and Investment Institute (PPI), a non-profit organization based in San Francisco. The organization has a very different focus compare to the previous internships that I had. PPI organizes roundtables for its members who are pension funds, sovereign wealth funds, banks and asset managers, which I had never been exposed to. Through communication with the investment experts, analysis of the companies, research, and discussions at the roundtable, I have gained a better understanding of both the pension fund system and the current market situation. Besides working, it was my first trip to the United States and I had a great opportunity to explore the country and a whole new culture with my homestay family and my friends there. I was able to travel around different places including Boston, New York, Los Angeles, San Diego, Phoenix, Las Vegas, and San Francisco itself. Overall, it was a very fruitful internship and an amazing experience abroad for me.”