Champion – HKICPA Business Case Competition 2021
Our GLEF student, Kelly Wan and her teammates, brought home the Champion award in the Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants (HKICPA) Business Case Competition 2021, held on 20 November 2021. With a forward-thinking mindset and innovative solutions, the team was able to impress the judges and won the Champion, and Best Written Proposal Award.
Champion Award:
TAM Chin Cheuk (Professional Accountancy, Year 2)
CHEN Sin Yu (Global Business Studies, Year 1)
LAM Shuk Hang (International Business and Chinese Enterprise, Year 2)
WAN Wing Lam, Kelly (Global Economics and Finance, Year 1)
Best Written Proposal Award:
TAM Chin Cheuk (Professional Accountancy, Year 2)
CHEN Sin Yu (Global Business Studies, Year 1)
LAM Shuk Hang (International Business and Chinese Enterprise, Year 2)
WAN Wing Lam, Kelly (Global Economics and Finance, Year 1)
The HKICPA Business Case Competition is an annual event that aims to develop students’ business skills, cultivate their professional judgment, and test their analytics skills and knowledge by working on real-life business scenarios. In the past years, CUHK business students have earned several awards in the competition.
The Champion team with Dr. YY BUTT (Associate Programme Director of Professional Accountancy) (third from the left). The winning team members, CHEN Sin Yu (first from the left), WAN Wing Lam Kelly (second from the left), TAM Chin Cheuk (second from the right), and LAM Shuk Hang (first from the right).
More announcement from different unit(s):
CUHK Business School Undergraduate Office website