Andy CHAN - University of Oxford, UK

"The summer program at Herford College of the University of Oxford was one of the most edifying learning experiences I have ever had.
Through the tours and lessons guided by our tutors who were highly versed in British culture, we studied in depth the development of the Great Britain in different eras and learned the inner significance of British architectures, arts and literatures.
Immersed within the most renowned tutorial system in Oxford, we learned that education should be an interactive process.
I would like to express my utmost gratitude to the donor of scholarship and our tutors who wholeheartedly devoted themselves in organizing the program." more

Jenny AU – Cardiff University, UK

“Going on exchange will definitely be the highlight of anyone’s university life! Cardiff is a green and peaceful coastal city in Wales, which I fell in love with at first sight. Besides studying, going on exchange offered me a budget way to travel. more

Stephanie CHU - HEC Paris, France

“In the 2nd term of my 3rd year in CUHK, I was lucky to go to Paris for exchange in one of the most prominent European business school, HEC Paris.
I like the teaching style in HEC a lot.
Moreover, I had the chance to attend classes that I could not find in Hong Kong.
Apart from all the exciting and fruitful experience in Paris, I also travelled around Europe at weekends and during holidays. more

Dominic LAI - San Diego State University, USA

“I have the chance to participate the Exchange Program and had went to San Diego State University (SDSU) to study for a semester. In addition, I also treasured this opportunity and travelled around the west coast in the US and also visited parts of South America. more

Rocky SHUM - The University of Sydney, Australia

"What is exchange? Going on exchange was not as rosy as I first imagined. Of course, this exchange brought me to lots of magnificent sightseeing spots, cute animals and thrilling activities but these can also be achieved by leisure tours. more