‘Attending the CFA Institute Research Challenge is an unforgettable experience. Our team spent a lot of time and effort in producing a decent report and presentation, and we’re glad that our hard work paid off eventually. My teammates come from diverse backgrounds in terms of major and nationality, and our different perspectives helped to generate more holistic analysis, to my idea, contributing to our winning. We received tremendous help from our faculty advisor Dr. Edwin Mok, and mentor Mr. William Leung, who gave us valuable advice throughout our 2-month long preparation. Credit goes to my supportive teammates, Dr. Edwin Mok, and Mr. William Leung.’
- Cinthia WEI
This global competition provides a unique opportunity for students to work in teams and gain real-world experience through hands-on mentoring and intensive training in company financial analysis. Students are asked to take the role of research analysts and are judged on their ability to value a stock, write a research report, and present their recommendations. The winning team at the Local Final will advance to the Regional Final and compete with the winning teams from other geographical regions for the opportunities to enter the Global Challenge in the pursuit of the final championship. The Global Challenge consists of winners of the regional finals held in Asia Pacific, Europe and America. The winner group will be joining the sub-region round (East Asia) in March.
6 finalist teams presented their analysis and recommendations to our professional panel of judges, followed by a Career Panel sharing by seasoned industry practitioners on career development in the financial sectors. The event was successfully concluded, and we are pleased to announce our Champion Team: The Chinese University of Hong Kong (Team C). The team comprises five students from diverse disciplines, including Integrated BBA (IBBA), Global Economics and Finance (GLEF), Professional Accountancy (PACC), Economics (ECON) and Electronic Engineering (ELEG), which contributed to their well-rounded analysis.
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