Lyric LI – HSBC

“During the summer 2018, I completed my trading internship at HSBC GBM with flow credit trading team.
Working in trading floor is a really fast-paced, yet exciting journey.
Apart from enhancing technical skills, I also realized that soft skills are equally important.
I would like to express my gratitude to all my colleagues for the unreserved support, friendship and unforgettable memories.” more

Gigi LIU - Prudential Hong Kong

“Prudential, the well-prepared nature in which helped me when I had to have the surgery, as well as the working sprit there were the reasons I joined the internship program here.

Throughout the internship, I am responsible for working with client related items: financial planning preparation, deal with claims settlements and client data management.
Other than knowing deeper about this industry, I worked as a “one-man-band” this time, which I have to handle numerous complicated tasks and provide fully supports for my mentor, it was quite challenging, yet it is a fruitful experience for me.” more

Wayne LEUNG – China CITIC Bank International

“I delightedly joined the team of Policy and Procedure in the Business Operation Management (BOM) Department in the Personal & and Business Banking Group.
Getting involved in different tasks in the Policy and Procedure team allowed me to understand the fast-paced operation of a bank in Hong Kong. more

Jenny JIA – BDA Partners (HK)

“During the second semester of my junior year (from January to May 2017), I spent four months with BDA Partners Hong Kong as an investment banking intern analyst, where I started my journey in investment banking career and had a lot fun with many memorable first-time experiences, including my first client meeting, first live M&A deal, first BBQ with colleagues, etc.
It was a rewarding and fruitful four-month journey.
Besides the project, I also assisted with other pitches, research and attended quite a few client meetings with managing directors to take notes, which is also one of my favorite parts in the internship.

I have been grateful for the great opportunity, which helps shape me as a dependable, perceptive and detail-oriented professional and gives me a wonderful culture experience.” more